Move along!  Don’t Stop, almost there,  Steady, Steady, Mark, Set GO.   Step into the “WILD.”  Explore New places, meet untamed people and learn to survive in desolate conditions.  Should your Church decide to go there, then look forward to…..

The Gospel coming Alive

Uninhibited Faith

Enemies Reconciling

Worn out Bibles

Revived Pastors

Increased Prayer

Projects being Started

Budgets getting realigned

Bylaws being rewritten

Committees with a new sense of purpose

Every member becoming a minister

A New attentive concern for the people around you

Fear and Pride are your Obstacles.  The Great Commission is your challenge.  Seeing the Gospel at work in wild places amongst wild people will make it all worthwhile.  So go ahead, Step into the Wild.  Jesus is there and He is ready to use your faith to Unite His People, Build His Church and Bring Him Glory.

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