Philippians 1:12-20

There are bilateral truths about our trials.  First, there is the Biblical Promise that our trials will lead to triumph.  Jewish enslavement to the Egyptians led to The Exodus.  Joseph’s imprisonment led to His exaltation.  Jacob’s deceitfulness led to Him being the father of the 12 Tribes, and Simon Peter’s denial, led to him being the Rock of the Church.  Jesus experienced the greatest suffering known to man, yet His suffering led to our glory and salvation.  

            The second truth about trials is that they lead to trauma.  When we experience sickness, death, betrayal, abuse, and hardship, we end up different than we were before.  Of course, our local church wants to skip the trauma chapter of our journey, and get to the triumph over trial, rather than the trauma caused from trial.  Preachers don’t like talking about hurt, injustice, cynicism, sarcasm, false blame, guilt, and shame from our experiences with trials.  They would rather focus on the happy ending, rather than the messy details of trials.  Because of this, we are trained to put on a spiritually happy face, and tell everyone that we are fine, but we know, and God knows that we are jacked up.  

            Our Small Group will explore the triumph and trauma of trials, and connect these two truths with our own journeys, and current challenges.  I look forward to our time together.  Keep on Building His Church, Uniting His People and Bringing Him Glory.  

  1. What has been your toughest trial?  
  2. How do you respond to the trauma of trial?  
  3. Have your past trials led to triumph?  Or just trauma?  
  4. Do you have faith in Triumph over Trial in your future?  
  5. How did the church respond when you reached out to them in your trial?  
  6. Does the church have to perform or meet your expectations for you to trust God in the midst of trial?  


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