Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.”  (1 Corinthians 12:7)


The common good means to collect; to take part with. When a spiritual gift is distributed, it is to be shared like a pie cut in proportional pieces.  Our ministry should be pointed toward the good of the community.  For the purpose of unity.  Why?  

Ministry gets complicated.  Bills need paid.  Checks need distributed.  Personalities clash.  Feuds develop.  Some Christians are more needy than others.  Other Christians have more means to have the gifts distributed just to them.  In light of the political, economic, theological and social effects of ministry, it can be awful tempting to direct our gifts that come from a loving God to ourselves.  To feed our preferences, desires, and wishes.  Should one give in to such ministerial narcissism then one day you will wake up to your own Kingdom.  

Other times in Ministry an individual or small group surfaces with needs, personality and a demanding spirit.  To appease their wishes means stability, financial blessings, even security for the local church body.  The unsaid, unwritten but clearly implied model means the following.  Minister, work for our common good and receive peace, a paycheck, and financial stability for the church.  They are not interested in the common good, just their common good.  Give in to this and you wake up to oligarchical power.  

Then there are those intellectual, creative, but needy souls that tug at your heartstrings.  Their life is so bad, but you are so good as a minister.  They take up much of your time, but they need it.  You feel good when you direct your gifts to them.  Be careful, because one day you will wake up to the reality that your sense of self is dependent on helping them (codependency). 

There is a better way.  Ministry gets complicated when we misdirect its power.  Courageous, Biblical leaders forego self-indulgence, and oligarchical power for something much much better.  Ministry that happens out of a passionate heart and is directed to the common good regardless of what they give back to you.  Ministry for the common good is a picture of God’s ministry to us.  He needs nothing, wants nothing, and asks for nothing from us.  Yet He Loves anyway because of Who He is.  May we as ministers head into the wild with God and serve like God serves us.  Love without condition for the common good.  Then and only then will we Build His Church, Unite His People and Bring Him Glory.  


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