I preached my Mom’s funeral on February 13, 2016.  In her Bible were notes about her response to the Gospel.  She listened to Charles Stanley, but never attended church regularly.  Here are some quotes from my Mom’s walk with Christ.

“I can say I have read every word of the Bible.  I have started many things in my life but I can say I finished the most important.”  

“Because I asked for forgiveness for my sins through Jesus Christ…..Our Lord shed His blood for anyone who asks…I must make a choice in Jesus Christ for peace.”  Below this quote, she put in capital letters TRUSTED.

Many Christians snubbed my mom.  Her Bipolar disorder made her hard to get along with.  She never got to experience the unconditional love of the Church, only the unconditional love of God.  She never had a relationship with a minister that cared, only a relationship with a God who loves.

It is utterly amazing Who God loves and When God loves.  My mom wasn’t alone in her difficulty in finding a church that cares and a pastor who calls.  There are literally millions of Christians that have been ostracized, ignored,and abandoned by the local church.  But the testimony of my Mom is that Our God is Mighty to Save.  The number one core value of Wild Goose Ministry is to find outsiders and outcasts like my mom who want a relationship with Christ.  So by going outside the walls of the church, we will work to “Build His Church, Unite His People and Bring Him Glory!” Wild Goose Ministry:  Founded February 13, 2016
